
I am thrilled with the ways that Deb Glassman’s Shabbhakti has broadened our tefillah options and built an additional circle of community within BZBI. Her talent for bringing together deep Torah and an energizing yoga practice is a gift that I am proud we can offer to our congregation.
— Rabbi Abe Friedman

Deb is a sensitive reader of text and people. She mines the weekly parashah for teachings that will challenge our community members to grow and thrive and invites us through sequences of movement and breath to internalize those lessons and to find both inner and outer alignment. The members of BZBI who have taken part in Shabbhakti have been enthusiastic about it as a spiritual experience and as a meaningful monthly alternative to our traditional Shabbat morning service. I only wish I could make it up to Shabbhakti myself!
— Rabbi Yosef Goldman

Deb teaches inspirational yoga as she brings the parsha to life through our bodies’ movement. She has cult following and has really brought something special and unique to our community.

— Sarah Kahn